Description: VISIT MY STORE / VISITA MI TIENDASOBRE 1,000 SUBASTAS MENSUALES / OVER 1,000 MONTHLY AUCTIONSGANE $1 POR CADA $20 COMPRADO / EARN $1 PER EACH $20 BOUGHTANA, TNA, NTCA, ECI, CC>CC, ANACS, NGC, USNS **************CENTENARIO DERICARDO ALEGRIAGALLARDO1921 - 2021PALADIN DE LACULTURAPUERTORRIQUEÑA*** 1911 - 2011 ***SET CONMEMORATIVO DE 3:BRONCE, NICKEL, Y OROCommemorative Set of 3:BRONZE, NICKEL, & GOLDPLATE*** FOR ENGLISH READ BELOW ***ESPAÑOL:ESTA SUBASTA ES POR UN LOTE DE TRES (3) MEDALLAS EN BRONCE, NIQUEL, Y LAMINADO DE ORO, ESPECIALMENTE JUNTADAS EN UN SET PARA CELEBRAR EL MAGNO CENTENARIO DEL GRAN DEFENSOR Y PRESERVADOR DE NUESTRA CULTURA PUERTORRIQUEÑA. ESTAS PIEZAS CONMEMORATIVAS CELEBRAN LA VIDA Y CONTRIBUCIONES DE DON RICARDO ALEGRIA, Y DE LA CUAL SOLO SE HICIERON 100 PIEZAS NIQUEL (enumeradas 1-100) , 50 EN ORO LAMINADO (enumeradas 1-50), Y 50 EN BRONCE SATINADO (enumeradas 51-100), CONMEMORANDO LA VIDA Y DEDICACION DEL HISTORIADOR DE LA PATRIA PUERTORRIQUEÑA, NUESTRO QUERIDO DON RICARDO. ESTA CURIOSA PIEZA, PRESENTANDO UN FORMATO INUSUAL ESTILO DIAMANTE (REPRESENTANDO UN VALOR PRECIOSO, COMO LO FUE LA INCALCULABLE VIDA DE DON RICARDO) ES LA PRIMERA EN SU CLASE EN PUERTO RICO. CADA UNA TIENE FORMATO GRANDE, DE 65 MM DE ESQUINA A ESQUINA, 50 MM DE LADO A LADO, Y 2 ONZAS DE PESO. CADA PIEZA VIENE CON NUMERO DIFERENTE. APROVECHA DE ESTA MEDALLA DEL 2011 NOS QUEDAN BIEN POCAS, DE MANERA QUE SOLO PUDIMOS MONTAR BIEN POQUITOS SETS DE 3 PARA MARCAR EL CENTENARIO DEL PROCER PUERTORRIQUEÑOANVERSO:CADA ANVERSO, MUESTRA EL MOTIVO DE LA PIEZA, PRESENTA A DON RICARDO, JUNTO CON EL MAPA, ESCUDO, Y BANDERA DEL PAIS, RODEADO POR SU NOMBRE COMPLETO Y LUGAR QUE LO VIO NACER Y MORIR, SU QUERIDISIMO VIEJO SAN JUAN, GRACIAS A EL, HOY CIUDAD PATRIMONIO DE LA HUMANIDAD. REVERSO:CADA REVERSO MUESTRA LA UNA ALEGORIA MODERNA DEL LOGO DE LA NOBLE INSTITUCION DEL INSTITUTO DE CULTURA PUERTORRIQUEÑA, QUE AYUDASE FUNDAR DON RICARDO, Y CUYO ARTE ORIGINAL DEBEMOS AL AFAMADO MEDALLISTA BORICUA DE RENOMBRE MUNDIAL, DON LORENZO HOMAR, QUIEN CAPTURA LA ESENCIA DE NUESTRA RAIZ SOCIOCULTURAL CON LA FUSION DEL AFRICANO, EL EUROPEO Y EL INDIGENA ISLEÑO. RODEA A DICHA PIEZA EL VERDOR DE NUESTRA FLORA, EL MISTICISMO DEL SOL INDIGENA, Y LA RELIGIOSIDAD DEL CORDERO PASCUAL, SIMBOLO ORIGINAL DE LA ISLA. UN CIRCULO INTERNO DETALLA LA CURIOSA PREPARACION PROFESIONAL & ESPECIALIDADES DEL POLIFACETICO DON RICARDO, JUNTO CON LA INFORMACION EN FORMA DE "V" QUE COMO MANO PARECE SOSTENER LO DEMAS, Y LA CUAL COMUNICA EL ANHELO ULTIMO DEL SR. ALEGRIA, EL RECONOCIMIENTO DE LA SOBERANIA CULTURAL POR LAS NACIONES UNIDAS.ESPECIFICACIONES:CADA MEDALLA CONSISTE EN UNA PIEZA GRANDE DE 65 MM DE ESQUINA A ESQUINA, 50 MM DE LADO A LADO (2 PULGADAS), GROSOR DE 5 MM, Y PESO DE SOBRE 2 ONZAS) HECHAS EN BRONCE SOLIDO, NIQUEL CROMADO SOBRE BASE EN BRONCE, Y LAMINADO DE ORO SOBRE BRONCE. TIENE BORDE EN DIAMANTE LISO (SIGNIFICA QUE CONMEMORA ALGO VALIOSO) TIENE UNA TIRADA LIMITADA DE 100 PIEZAS EN NIQUEL (enumeradas 1-100), Y 50 EN ORO LAMINADO (Goldplate, enumeradas 1-50) Y 50 PIEZAS EN BRONCE(enumeradas 51-100) , CADA UNA CON NUMERACION INDIVIDUAL INSCRITA EN EL REVERSO, JUSTO BAJO LA EFIGIE DE ALEGRIA (COMO SE VE EN LA FOTO) CADA PIEZA VIENE ENCAPSULADA EN PLASTICO CUADRADO, PARA PROTEGERLA CONTRA RAYAZOS. ENGLISH: Howdy!This is an auction for one special set of three (3) limited edition big sized medals, Bronze, Nickel, & Goldplate, which was put together to celebrate the Centennial of the Birth of Mr. Ricardo Alegria (his last name curiously means "happiness"), our most famed preserver of the Puerto Rican Cultural Heritage. WE ONLY HAVE FEW LEFT OF THESE 2011 MEDALS, SO WE WERE ONLY HAD ENOUGH FOR PUTTING TOGETHER VERY FEW SETS, TO COMMEMORATE THE CENTENNIAL OF THE BIRTH OF MR. ALEGRIA, SO DON'T DELAY, BUYING BY SEPARATE WILL COST YOU MORE, AND ONCE WE RUN OUT ITS GONE! OBVERSE:It features Mr. Alegria surrounded with a map, flag, and coat of arms of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, along with his complete name and that of his beloved Old San Juan, the place that saw him born, live (most of his life) and die, a city which now is a World Heritage Site, mostly thanks to him. REVERSE:Shows a modern interpretation of the logo of the Institute of Puerto Rican culture, Mr. Alegria's most beloved "baby" a logo whose original art we most thank to Mr. Lorenzo Homar, a world class sculptor and medalist, native to Puerto Rico. His art shows the roots of our society and history, involving the African, European and Native American sociocultural fusion. Surrounding it we have a rendition of our tropical flora, with the Pashal Lamb below, symbol of our religious belief and historical significance, and an indigenous image of the Sun, simbolizing our search for a better future. Surrounding this we find a circle detailing the many specialties or trades of Mr. Ricardo, such as Archeologist, Anthropologist, Historian, Museum Curator & Manager, & Writer (among other things, such as Architecture & Garden design, Interior Renovations, Décor, and PR tokens collector) Above all, it reminds us of Mr. Alegria's ultimate dream: Having PR apply to get a Cultural Sovereignty recognition from the United Nations, in order to get the Commonwealth's government OFF from messing up with our cultural heritage and playing politics with the Institute of Culture, and to have Puerto Rico be able to apply to public and private funds from international entities, just like many little regional entities around the globe receive grants to help preserve their distinctive cultural identities without intrusion from the national governments they belong to, which often times respond to a bigger yet different cultural background (which is the case of PR within the United States, to develop something like the way US deals with its distinctive Native American nations living within its borders) SPECIFICS:Size of 65 mm from corner to corner, 50mm from side to side, x 5mm medal (over 2 inches in diameter) weighting about 2 ounces with Diamond shape smooth edge. It is made of high quality Gold Plating over a Bronze base . Mintage is limited to a mere 100 pieces in Nickel finish (numbered 1-100), 50 pieces in GoldPlate (numbered 1-50), & 50 pieces in Satin Bronze (numbered 51-100), each with its own individual number inscribed on its reverse. Each medal has a different serial number, and each comes with a protective plastic casing. BIOGRAPHY (From Wikipedia) Ricardo Alegría (April 14, 1921 – July 7, 2011) was a Puerto Rican scholar, cultural anthropologist and archeologist known as the "Father of Modern Puerto Rican Archaeology". Alegría (birth name: Ricardo E. Alegría Gallardo) was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where he received his primary and secondary education. He was motivated by his father, José S. Alegría, a former Vice President and founding member of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party. His father taught him to love Puerto Rico and to be proud of its history and culture. In 1941 at the University of Puerto Rico, he founded the Puerto Rican Fraternity Alpha Beta Chi in search of a fraternity that based its principles in equality, fairness and acceptance of all that wanted to join. In 1942, Alegría earned his Bachelors of Science degree in archeology from the University of Puerto Rico. He continued his academic education in the University of Chicago where in 1947 he earned his Masters in Anthropology and History. In 1954, Alegría earned his PhD. (doctorate) in Anthropology from Harvard University.Alegría was named the first director of the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture by Luis Muñoz Marín, Puerto Rico's first elected governor. He was responsible for the creation of the "Archaeological Center of Investigation of the University of Puerto Rico". Alegría also created the "Center of Popular Arts of the Puerto Rican Cultural Institute", the program of publication of books of the institute, and created the logo for the Institute of Neurobiology in Puerto Rico.Alegría was responsible for the renovation and restoration of historical Old San Juan under the leadership of then San Juan mayor Felisa Rincón de Gautier. He is also responsible for the restoration of the ruins of "Caparra" and "Fort San Jeronimo". As a result of his work "Old San Juan" was declared a "Historical World Treasure". In 1976, Alegría opened the "Center of Advanced Studies of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean". In 1992, he established the "Museum of the Americas".Alegría is credited with being a pioneer in the anthropologic studies of the Taino culture and the African heritage in Puerto Rico. His extensive studies have helped historians understand how the Taínos lived and suffered, before and after the Spanish Conquistadores arrived in the island. Alegría estimated that about one third of all Puerto Ricans (2 million out of 6 million) have Taíno blood and therefore the Taínos were not completely extinct and some had to survive. Recently, the results of recent DNA studies have proved him right.WRITTEN WORKS The following is a list of books which Alegría has either authored or co-authored."Ball Courts and Ceremonial Plazas in the West Indies""The three wishes; a collection of Puerto Rican folktales"(1969) ( with Lorenzo Homar) "History of the Indians of Puerto Rico""El Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, 1955–1973 : 18 años contribuyendo a fortalecer nuestra conciencia nacional""Taino: Pre-Columbian Art & Culture from the Caribbean" (with Fatima Bercht and Jose J. Arrom)"Las primeras representaciones gráficas del indio americano, 1493–1523""Descubrimiento, conquista y colonización de Puerto Rico, 1493–1599" (with Mela Pons Alegría)"Historia y Cultura de Puerto Rico: Desde La Epoca Pre-Colombina Hasta Nuestros Dias""Excavations at Maria de La Cruz Cave & Hacienda Grande Village Site, Loiza, Puerto Rico" (with Irving Rouse)"La vida de Jesucristo según el santero puertorriqueño Florencio Cabán""San Juan de Puerto Rico" (with Manuel Méndez Guerrero and María de los Angeles Castro Arroyo)"Cafe" (1967)"Programa De Parques Y Museos Del Instituto De Cultura Puertorriquena" (1973)"La Fiesta De Santiago Apostol En Loiza Aldea""El Fuerte De San Jerónimo Del Boquerón"AWARDS & RECOGNITIONS In 1993, President Bill Clinton presented Alegría with the "Charles Frankel Prize" for his contributions in the field of archaeology. In 1996, he was awarded the "James Smithson Bicentennial Medal". In 2001, Alegría received from the hands of Nancy Morejon "The Haydee Santamaria Medal" in Havana, Cuba. In 2002, Alegría received the "Luis Muñoz Marín Medal" in recognition of his life achievements from Puerto Rican Governor Sila Calderón. Puerto Rican artist Lorenzo Homar honored Alegría by making an artistic graphic poster of him.Alegría also received recognition from cultural and architectural organizations in Peru, Venezuela, Mexico and the Dominican Republic, where he also received an honorary doctorate. The city of Havana recognized his influence in the project to remodel the city's historical district (similar to Alegría's work in Old San Juan) by honoring him with a plaque, which, while he was alive, was the only monument honoring a living Puerto Rican in the entire city.Puerto Rican folk duo Los Niños Estelares dedicated a tribute song to Alegría, named "Alegría, Doctor Alegría", in their 2010 album, Namasté. In it they describe many of Alegría's accomplishments, his educational background, and -partly in jest, due to Alegría's impressive credentials- likened him to Indiana Jones. In the lyrics, they name Alegría "the last Puerto Rican hero."LEGACY & DEATH Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa became inspired by Alegría's work and incorporated a fictional character based on him, named Ricardo Santurce, in his play El loco de los balcones. "I admire him a lot; his work was extraordinary. Not only did he resuscitate a barrio, Old San Juan, which is very beautiful, but he did it without allowing it to be turned into a museum. He gave it a great vitality and integrated it to current life, showing in a quite concrete way that the past can be a very rich and stimulating element for the present. I wish all Latin American countries had a Ricardo Alegría”.Ricardo Alegría lived in Old San Juan in his later years, until his death on July 7, 2011. He had been hospitalized in San Juan's Centro Medico (Medical Center Hospital) a few weeks before his death. After a brief recovery, he relapsed, and was returned to the medical center, where he died of heart failure.ENVIO / SHIPPING :EMPAQUE / PACKAGINGEnviamos dentro de mica, cartón, cápsula, o protector acrílico, envuelto entre cartón grueso o burbuja, dentro de sobre o caja sellado con cinta adhesiva a los 4 lados. Haremos todo lo posible por resolver su problema y ganar su satisfacción. Algunas medalla o moneda quizá sea enviada en cápsula de acrílico como cortesía nuestra. Debido a que usted pagó por la medalla o moneda, y no por la cápsula, nosotros no somos responsables de reemplazar cápsulas recibidas rotas. Debido a que las medallas vienen con alguna que otra imperfección de fábrica, es normal que una medalla contenga algún rayacito o cantacito mínimo de lo cual no somos responsables. Las antiguedades que vendemos tienen imperfecciones por vejez, uso y desgaste, que pudieran no reflejarse en las fotos. Por eso sólo reemplazaremos o devolveremos dinero en caso de mercancía recibida gravemente dañada. Clientes que abusen con reclamaciones exageradas e infundadas serán bloqueados en el futuro.Items are put inside plastic wrap, coin flip or capsule, foam insert, card protector, bank note jacket, FDC jacket, or similar protective method, then shipped padded within card board or bubble wrap inside an envelope or box. We’ll do everything we can to help you and get your 5 stars. Some medals or coins may be shipped inside plastic capsules as a courtesy of ours. Because you paid for a medal or coin, and not for an acrylic capsule, we are not to be held responsible over capsules received cracked or broken. Medals received from the factory will feature minor scratches or nicks over which we shouldn't be held responsible. 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Price: 99.99 USD
Location: Mansfield, Texas
End Time: 2025-01-03T21:28:17.000Z
Shipping Cost: 0 USD
Product Images
Item Specifics
Restocking Fee: No
Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer
All returns accepted: Returns Accepted
Item must be returned within: 30 Days
Refund will be given as: Money back or replacement (buyer's choice)
Country/Region of Manufacture: Puerto Rico
Certification: ORIGINAL
Year: 2011
Circulated/Uncirculated: Uncirculated
Composition: Goldine