
Hunter 4025 NLS Metapathia GR Bioresonance 25D System 2022 Meta-Therapy Aura

Description: You will receive the same that you are seeing in the photos and as you see in the photos, a non-linear system (NLS) model 4025 and with software version 25D for this 2021, this is the fastest and most powerful equipment within the family of the NLS. Read in detail the 31 most important things you can do with this 4025 bioresonance model. The sale of this machine has technical support included in case you need it if you have problems installing it, if you have a problem it is 100% sure that it is the configuration of your Windows and your antivirus, but if you finally do not succeed, we will schedule an appointment for one of our engineers to help you solve the problem, it is very simple to install but sometimes the configuration of the operating system that you have installed will need some permissions, especially with your antivirus, for example, windows 11 comes with Windows Defender and unnecessarily attached to Mcafee and that is having problems. The Hunter 4025 It is a faster machine (it takes 2 to 3 seconds to scan and analyze an organ) and more accurate when compared to the previous models from 7D to 17D, with a very friendly interface and a powerful advanced algorithm, performs a three-dimensional virtual scan capable of locating tumors, hereditary diseases, bacterial infections, discovering the objective of their appearance through the genome together with hundreds of virtual images for greater understanding. Metapathia GR Hunter 4025 Metatron version 25D is a non-invasive diagnostic device to perform physical examinations, also to give treatment and to prepare medicines. It takes advantage of the resonance of light waves to scan and detect the functional state of chromosomes, DNA helices and also molecules. It also provides non-invasive or painful treatment. It is a very complete kit that adds the functions of the old 3D, 7D, 9D, 15D, 17D and expanded and improved them even more to become the 25D. Shipping from USA: FREE (You will not receive it from China and shipping is free the same day or the next for all the United States. I have been selling models lower than this but similar NLS since 2012. About your return:The first thing I want to inform you is that this machine has a 1 year warranty, 11 months more than what eBay will give you, so you do not have to worry about whether or not you are buying a quality machine.This machine by eBay policy can be returned in 30 days, but there are aspects guaranteed in the eBay policy and that I want you to know and understand before buying it and they are:1. You will pay for the return if you decide to return it, you have 30 days to do so.2. The refund will be made based on its basic price, it does NOT include the cost you paid to send or the cost you will pay to return, the latter money is not refundable.3. 100% of the refund depends (by eBay policy) on the conditions in which the item is delivered, which are the same as those in which it was received, since by eBay policy when a new item is returned and the seller already will not be able to sell in as new conditions, the seller has the power or right by eBay policy to make a partial refund, which is why we advise that this equipment be purchased exclusively if you need it, are looking for it or a very serious recommendation, THIS EQUIPMENT OR ITEM IS NOT SUGGESTED TO BE PURCHASED FOR EXPERIMENTATION, SINCE IF YOU RETURN IT YOU MAY LOSE MONEY. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION THAT MAY HELP YOU:I have been selling NLS systems for many years, and I have been selling Hunter for three years, but I am not a doctor, I am not an NLS specialist or professor, I only market these machines for the following reasons:They are good because of the thousands of NLS that I have sold in years, someone has never returned one (it may also be that one of the causes is, because the people who buy this type of machine know what they are buying).The level of satisfaction of the people who acquire it is very high.I represent the manufacturer in the USA, very specifically for the Hispanic and Latin American market.------------------------------------------------------ I also know from the time I've been doing this that:Many clients have bought me this machine for personal therapy.They also buy it because they have clinics and give consultations.Others have bought it to treat a serious illness they have.Others buy it just to use their glass to make homeopathic and other medicines.I have heard that you can use it to determine which are the foods that would benefit you and which would not (obviously, to operate these functions you need knowledge) -------------------------------------------------- About the training: 17-hour video course in Spanish (purchased separately)We are only manufacturers and we guarantee what we do with quality (the machine has a one year guarantee and technical support with us, we also have the spare parts because we are the ones who manufacture it). You will receive a data USB with material support in digital format, I mean manuals by the manufacturer (English and translated into Spanish), literature, videos, photos and screenshots about its use, as well as information material about the NLS technology and its use.But we also have an extra course that consists of several videos (about 17 hours of videos) of training by a doctor master in NLS, but unfortunately this course is only in Spanish, and can be purchased separately, if you decide to buy it you just have to contact in contact with us.In the data USB that you will receive you will find a folder called TRAINING, in it we explain everything about how you can acquire the course if you wish or are interested, just by copying the link that we provide and pasting it in your browser you will be able to access the course purchase.-------------------------------------------------- OS:It works better with Windows 10 Pro, 11, it does not work with MAC, and the only enemy it may have at the time of its installation is Windows Defender, which must be neutralized to allow this file or eliminate it from the root, the system does not need the Internet to to work.In the data USB we offer a video about how to install the software, but if you have problems with the installation, (according to statistics it can be 2 out of 10 users) our technicians would help you, for this we can give you online support via TeamViewer. As simple as contacting me to schedule an appointment.Hunter 4025 Metatron 25D performs genetic analysisIt performs advanced genetic analysis and detects possible tumors, in addition to evaluating the different oncological pathological levels in the human body. It is also capable of detecting and treating fractures, dermatological situations as well as stopping diseases caused by degeneration due to age.It uses a very friendly interface as well as a powerful advance algorithm that takes into account the multidimensional virtual scan which locates possible existing tumors, hereditary diseases and is able to reveal the reason for their appearance at the genome level, showing hundreds of new virtual images for your further understanding.What you can do with the Hunter 4025With the Hunter 4025 you can do many things, knowledge is an inexhaustible source when it comes to understanding and working with the Hunter 4025. In this description we will try to explain the Hunter in some of its functions, otherwise this description would never end . We will talk about creating a new card for the patient, of Investigating, of analysis, of Meta-therapy, of a food or medicine test, of etalons and finally of entropy analysis. For more knowledge you must pass a training course . But first I will tell you what are the most basic functions of the Hunter 4025.Most basic functions of the Hunter 4025Interface capable of revealing oncological diseases in time.It is the NLS with the highest speed and certainty in the analysis of the human body.Performs 3-D scan and finds areas where a tumor is or may develop.Detects inherited diseases, analyzes DNA with histological, cytological sections and sets of chromosomes by digging into the DNA helix. It also analyzes the genome level.High performance continuous scanning system (metatrons), more reliable.Spectrum of minerals and gems allows to treat by biocompatibility, a certain stone to apply therapy, healing or treatment by mineral radio spectrum.Evaluates the tissues and microstructures of microbial agents, viruses, helminths, rickekttsia, toxoplasmas, traces as well as potent homeopathic medicines.It has a function called Smart Filter which allows to apply a quick treatment with the patient, using the electromagnetic waves present in the tissues.It can determine the risk stage of the disease.It is capable of multivariate analysis of systemic and organ homeostasis.It is able to perform blood tests for hormones without pain.Evaluate acupuncture meridians.It also measures the body's electric field which is to the AURA.Recognizes intestinal parasites, fungi, bacteria, viruses and microplasmas.Biochemical analysis of blood.It analyzes the micro flora of the organism that includes parasites, bacteria and fungi.Analyze drug tests, nutrition monitoring, herbal medicine, homeopathic samples, ointments, creams and materials for tolerance.It is capable of developing dedicated and specialized medications for each patient.Identify allergens and their causes as well as alkaline balance in tissues.It reveals real changes in the tissues in a macro way and investigates the histological sections in a detailed way.The technician can carry out the investigation of multivariate topological images and metastases in other organs, if the user sets automatic mode and can interrupt his evaluation at any time without damage.It contains a wide database of medical products, food supplements and homeopathic remedies, which can be recommended to patients according to the pathology presented.You can see what stage the disorder is in and if the process is acute or chronic.It is also possible to determine how the disorder will develop in the future, this would allow to discover if a therapy is adequate or if the body can heal the problem on its own.Tune in to the electromagnetic frequency corresponding to each tissue and organ without human intervention.It detects and corrects pathological defects in the organs and cells of the body through healthy magnetic oscillations registered in the central memory of the equipment, and therefore the body responds to the external emission of frequencies.Visual diagnoses can be provided at the moment, patients will be able to see live the exact location and functioning of their organs, which in our experience makes them feel safer and more relaxed with their treatment.It evaluates the organs with 97% accuracy which allows the caregiver and the patient to focus on the correct treatment.Any influence of a chemical, drug or biologic substance on the patient can be analyzed instantly.It gives complementary therapies of alternative medicine, such as natural elements, stones, effects of astrological movement on tissues, as well as Meriadian points.Provides nutritional advice considering blood group (typical of Chinese medicine) Hunter 4025 Card-index or new patient card"New Patient" displays a new form that must be completed as required. You have to indicate last name, first name, date of birth, address, telephone, gender, blood group, RH factor (sex, blood group and Rh Factor that I selected by choosing from the drop-down list).* asterisks indicate the fields to be completed.After clicking "OK", the program switches to search mode. The button «Patient reception» shows the «Patient card» containing your personal data, such as: surname, first name, age, sex, blood group, address, telephone number , number.The research list takes most of the form. Hunter 4025 how to investigate the patientThe "Investigations" form allows non-linear computer analysis to be carried out in the manner of a programmed and (or) individual selection of the organs destined for the investigation. The main feature of «Metapathy-GR Hunter». The software is the «3D scan» function, which allows you to automatically locate the nest where the tumor and hereditary diseases appeared, find out the reason for their appearance at the genome level, moving one to one histological, cytological, chromosome preparations and deepening the level of parts of the DNA molecule. Hunter 4025 how to analyze the patientAllows routine analysis based on investigation results. Click the »Analysis» button, it will be displayed below the right page. The buttons below the organ image can be pressed or pressed above; In the depressed condition, the respective elements of the organ are represented. Hunter 4025 patient rate analysisNatural frequencies of tissues within the following standardfrequency band:- 1.8 skeletal system;- 2.6 thick connective tissue, joints and heart valves;- 2.6 - 3.4 Loose connective tissue, striated muscle and heart muscle;- 3.4 non-striated muscle tissue.- 4.2 tessellated epithelium of the digestive tract;- 4.9 stratifies squamous and columnar epithelia. Parenchymal liver tissue and biliary tract tissue;- 4.9 - 5.8 Epithelium of renal tissue and reproductive organs;- 5.8 lymphoid ring of the pharynx, upper section of the respiratory tract, lymphatic system, spleen, ovaries and prostate;- 6.6 peripheral nervous system, bronchial epithelium, adrenal and thyroid;- 7.4 central sections of sensory analyzers except the optics, and cortical substructures of the brain, pons of the cerebellum; cerebellum, limbic system and lung parenchyma;- 8.2 retina, optic nerve, cerebral cortex. Hunter 4025 Patient Meta-TherapyThe Analysis button takes us to a new menu (see image on the left). Here we press the Meta-therapy button that brings up the Meta-therapy menu (see right image)META-therapy helps the body to better deal with the discovered problems, toxins and allergens and to eliminate them. Furthermore, the higher causal factors of organ disturbance (chronic stress and disturbed reactions of the central nervous system) will be neutralized due to the therapy. Both are important factors for the activation of the immune system and self-healing, allowing the healing of even very old people.Organ diseases .The course of treatment: 5 ~ 6 organs for 1 session every other day, in total 10 sessions in 25 days . For the therapy session : it needs about 15 ~ 20 minutes . The time required to recur depends on the nature of the disease. Usually it needs 5 ~ 10sessions.For preventive care : 1 session every two days is recommended, in total 10 sessions.If you want to do Meta-therapy again, suggest relaxing for a month. When it comes to diseases, 1 session a day, treat 5-6 organs for 1 session, suggest relax for 2 ~ 3 weeks, then you can try again. Hunter 4025 Vegeto Patient Test«Vegeto-test» - The use of the vegetative reverberation test mode opens up ample opportunities and allows entering the own contour measurements electromagnetic oscillations of the etalons of the examined person of the test equipment, that is, the external vegetative test, or those taken with the aid of a resonant chamber, such as the coronomic vegetative test; and define the efficacy and acceptability of biologically active food supplements and those allergic to the body.To carry out the vegetative test with a drug that does not appear in the catalog of allergens of biologically active food supplements, we must enter the analysis mode, place the examined drug in the resonant chamber, press the "Vegeto-test" button and enter the name of the drug tested and click "OK". The dynamics of the vegetative reaction of the body to this drug is best evaluated in the "Comparative analysis" mode, where the amplification or weakening of the compensatory body responses is evaluated under the condition of the information effect of the tested agent.Here the vegeto test actually checks if something is suitable or not. You have to put something in the cup, preferably in a transparent glass, for example a pill. One has to fill in a description in the pop-up menu and Vegeto's test begins. The change of the Nidus values ​​tells you something, a strengthening or weakening, but it is important to look at the change of the CSS values ​​of a certain disease, because one wants to know if this pill is suitable or not for this specific disease. So Vegeto's test has 2 different functions: Virtual and true. Etalons on the Hunter 4025The Analysis button takes us to a new menu (see image on the left). Here we press the TEST button that brings up the Etalons menu (see right image). In Pathmorphology, a series of diseases found are shown with their CSS (Spectral Similarity Coefficient) values. Each organ and each cell has its own specific and distinctive oscillation. The oscillations are stored in the memory of the computer and can be displayed on the screen as a graph, representing the condition of the information exchange between an organ or tissue and the environment. Each pathology has its own individual and distinctive chart.Computer memory also stores a large number of pathological processes taking into account the rate of evidence, age, sex and other variations. After the frequency characteristics are read from the tissue, the apparatus compares the spectral similarity with the stored processes (healthy tissue, pathological tissue, infection agents) and then selects the pathological process or the trends closest to its appearance.Using this analysis method, it is possible to track the condition of the red input signal (S) and the condition of the blue output signal (N), which are displayed as graphs on the screen. Entropy Analysis on the Hunter 4025A small difference in spectral similarity (dispersion) over the entire range of entropy factors 1 to 6 indicates an acute process. The largest spectral similarity is marked by a thick line on the graph and the digital value is marked in red, which in this example is 1.435. There are two "Hide N (S) chart" buttons that allow you to view the charts separately or as a whole. Pressing the button hides the corresponding graph. 1. Red dots in the first column (orange arrow) Indicates that the disease has occurred in this state and also has a potential warning. If the red dot at the top indicates that the disease is developing in this state.2. Numbers in the second column. (Green arrow) The total is divided into ( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, ∞ ). It shows the moment of the disease that is happening.The first level ( 1 ~ 3 ): Time is short or has happened recently.The second level ( 4 ~ 6 ): the time is in the last six months or the occurrence time is also long.The third level ( 7 ~ 9 ): the time is one year or more than one year.The fourth level (∞) : They have happened for a long time.3. D value in the fourth column (red circle)If < 0.425 , the spectral similarity with the object under investigation is greater than 95% with the etalon marked in red.If 0.425 ~ 2.0 , you may not show symptoms now, if you don't pay attention, the problem maybe happens soon (chronic).If > 2.0 , it means the lack of matching samples, the morbidity is very small. NLS Analysis on the Hunter 4025E value (in the third column): The E value here is the same as the E Report value as follows:-3 (1), indicates that the biochemical index is less than the range of standard values.-2 ~ + 2 (2 ~ 6), indicates the biochemical index in a safe range.+3 (7), indicates that the biochemical index is higher than the range of standard values.If extreme values ​​1 and 7 of the NLS analysis characterize biochemical factors beyond physiological norms, the lowest and highest values respectively. * The products and information found on this website are not to replace any medical or health professional advice as the information displayed is for informational purposes only. Results may vary. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Therefore our supplements and equipment are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure any disease or health problem. Always check with your doctor or healthcare professional before proceeding with any new diet, exercise regimen, supplement use, or if you have any concerns about a health problem. We are not responsible for grammatical errors that the page shows. Product availability, prices and promotions may be changed without prior notice.

Price: 1600 USD

Location: Orlando, Florida

End Time: 2023-09-05T06:23:25.000Z

Shipping Cost: N/A USD

Product Images

Hunter 4025 NLS Metapathia GR Bioresonance 25D System 2022 Meta-Therapy AuraHunter 4025 NLS Metapathia GR Bioresonance 25D System 2022 Meta-Therapy AuraHunter 4025 NLS Metapathia GR Bioresonance 25D System 2022 Meta-Therapy AuraHunter 4025 NLS Metapathia GR Bioresonance 25D System 2022 Meta-Therapy AuraHunter 4025 NLS Metapathia GR Bioresonance 25D System 2022 Meta-Therapy AuraHunter 4025 NLS Metapathia GR Bioresonance 25D System 2022 Meta-Therapy AuraHunter 4025 NLS Metapathia GR Bioresonance 25D System 2022 Meta-Therapy AuraHunter 4025 NLS Metapathia GR Bioresonance 25D System 2022 Meta-Therapy AuraHunter 4025 NLS Metapathia GR Bioresonance 25D System 2022 Meta-Therapy AuraHunter 4025 NLS Metapathia GR Bioresonance 25D System 2022 Meta-Therapy AuraHunter 4025 NLS Metapathia GR Bioresonance 25D System 2022 Meta-Therapy AuraHunter 4025 NLS Metapathia GR Bioresonance 25D System 2022 Meta-Therapy Aura

Item Specifics

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money Back

Return policy details:

Expiration Date: N/A

Brand: Metatron

Type: Hunter

Volume: ?

Custom Bundle: No

Color: Silver

Model: GR Hunter 4025

Features: Adjustable


Country/Region of Manufacture: China


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