
Height Adjustable Study Desk with Chair Set Student Desk and Chair Kit Pink

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You May Need /p /div div class="con_box" a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" 1400W Electric Pressure Washer Power w/30 ft Hose Nozzles with US /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 98.90 /p /a a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" Backpack Leaf Blower Gas Powered 2-Stroke Commercial Heavy Duty Grass Yard Clean /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 194.90 /p /a a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" Artificial Plants Fake Flower Leaf Foliage Bush Home Garden Decor Indoor Outdoor /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 29.48 /p /a a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" PC Computer Desk Laptop Corner Gaming Table Study Work Home Office Shelf /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 73.90 /p /a a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" Modernchamp Standing Desk Height Adjustable Sit Lifting Tab Office /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 49.90 /p /a a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" Bathroom Wall Mounted Cabinet Shelf Bath Kitchen Storage Organizer Kitchen /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 31.90 /p /a /div /div !-- 产品 -- div class="banner_tab" dl class="_l_category" dt Categories /dt dd a href="" target="_blank" span /span /a /dd dd a href="" target="_blank" span /span /a /dd dd a href="" target="_blank" span /span /a /dd dd a href="" target="_blank" span /span /a /dd dd a href="" target="_blank" span /span /a /dd dd a href="" target="_blank" span /span /a /dd dd a href="" target="_blank" span /span /a /dd /dl !--PC端-- div class="_con_box" div class="_title" h3 Height Adjustable Study Desk with Chair Set Student Desk and Chair Kit Pink /h3 /div div class="r_banner" div class="tablist" div class="tab_content" input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio1" name="test-radio" checked div class="content" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" style="" /div /div div class="tab_content" input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio2" name="test-radio" div class="content" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" style="" /div /div div class="tab_content" input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio3" name="test-radio" div class="content" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" style="" /div /div div class="tab_content" input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio4" name="test-radio" div class="content" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" style="" /div /div div class="tab_content" input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio5" name="test-radio" div class="content" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" style="" /div /div div class="tab_content" input type="radio" class="test-radio" 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alt="" /label /div div class="_label" label for="radio5" class="test-label" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /label label for="radio6" class="test-label" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /label label for="radio7" class="test-label" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /label label for="radio8" class="test-label" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /label /div /div div class="_li_btn _top" label for="radio_li_1" class="test-label_li" /label label for="radio_li_2" class="test-label_li" /label /div div class="_li_btn _bottom" label for="radio_li_1" class="test-label_li" /label label for="radio_li_2" class="test-label_li" /label /div /div /div /div !--移动端-- div class="move_container" input type="radio" id="pic1" name="pic" checked / input type="radio" id="pic2" name="pic"/ input type="radio" id="pic3" name="pic"/ input type="radio" id="pic4" name="pic"/ input type="radio" id="pic5" name="pic"/ input type="radio" id="pic6" name="pic"/ input type="radio" id="pic7" 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colspan="2" p Description: br / The scientific separation design makes the all kinds of stationery keep tidy. The writing area is widened to make it more spacious and comfortable. br / Golden distance design can keep your child upright sitting posture, protect children's vision. Spacious drawer under the desktop to store school supplies. br / Made of high quality metal, plate, PP anti-slip legs are stable and not shaken, to ensure stability and durability. Ergonomic chair for protecting child's spine and sitting comfortably, adjustable height seat back and cushion hollow design, breathable, accelerating air circulation helps to adjust the child's sitting posture. br / The height adjustable design of the study desk conforms to the ergonomic design, the desk is equipped with rounded corners, curved table sides, and an anti-pinch device to ensure that a child's hands will not be squeezed. The children school workstation can provide kids with good posture and improve child learning efficiency. br / Children study desk chair set combines practicality and fun, which is really a perfect gift for your child. You can complete the table and chair installation in few minutes based on the simple assembly instructions. br / br / Item Name: Desk Chair Set br / Material: Metal, Plate br / Style: Cartoon br / Gender: Kids br / Features: Adjustable Height, Cartoon Pattern, with Drawer br / Size Details: br / Desk: 105cm x 72.5cm x 48.5cm/41.37" x 28.57" x 19.11" (Approx.) br / Chair: 78.5cm x 38cm x 38cm/30.93" x 14.97" x 14.97" (Approx.) br / br / Notes: br / Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures. br / Please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement. br / br / Package Includes: br / 1 x Desk (Others Not Included) br / 1 x Chair br / 1 x Installation Tool Bag br / 1 x User Manual /p /td /tr /tbody /table div class='images' /div /div /div !-- 关联营销 -- div class="marketing" div class="marketing_title" p New Arrival, You May Like /p /div div class="con_box" a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" Wardrobe Hanger Garment Storage Clothes Hanger Adjustable Height Hanging Stand /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 31.99 /p /a a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" Clothes Drying Storage Rack Large Folding Clothes Airer Laundry Garment Rack /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 21.99 /p /a a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" Accessories Hedge Trimmer 52cc 2-Stroke Guard Accessories Hedge Trimmer /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 118.99 /p /a a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" Lawn Mower High Power Low Noise Rechargeable Grass Trimmer Lightweight /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 78.99 /p /a a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" Gardener Select Metal Watering Can Pressure Washer Gun Snow Foam /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 17.90 /p /a a href="" target="_blank" div class="images" src="$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F" alt="" /div p class="_title" Artificial Flowers Fake Silk Sunflower Flower in Planters Flower Vase Yellow /p p class="_price" span class="yuan" $ /span 11.50 /p /a /div /div !-- 平台政策 -- div class="policy" div class="label_btn" input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio1_1" name="test-radio1" checked label for="radio1_1" class="test-label" Payment /label input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio2_1" name="test-radio1" label for="radio2_1" class="test-label" Shipping /label input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio3_1" name="test-radio1" label for="radio3_1" class="test-label" Return /label input type="radio" class="test-radio" id="radio4_1" name="test-radio1" label for="radio4_1" class="test-label" Contact Us /label div class="tab_box" div id="test-tab_1" class="test-tab" div class="content" 1. We acceptPayPal,Credit card,Debit card,Apple Pay,Google Pay ect as payment. br/ 2. Please be sure your shipping address is correct before make a payment. br/ p style="padding-top: 20px;" src="$_27.PNG" style="width: auto;min-height: 30px" /p /div /div div id="test-tab_2" class="test-tab" div class="content" 1. We ship to your eBay or Paypal address. Please make sure your eBay and Paypal address is correct before you pay. br/ 2. Items will be shipped within 1-7 business days when we received payment. br/ 3. Delivery time depends on destination and other factors. br/ 4. International buyers please note: p style="padding-left: 20px" a. Import duties, taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges. These charges are buyer's responsibility. We will try our best to reduce the risk of the custom duties. br/ b. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to buying. br/ /p p style="padding-top: 20px;" src="$_27.PNG" style="width: auto;min-height: 30px" /p /div /div div id="test-tab_3" class="test-tab" div class="content" 30 DAY RETURN POLICY br/ Customer Satisfaction is our main goal, all items are quality checked prior to being listed and sent out. Please contact us prior to leaving any Negative Feedback and allow us to make things right! br/ If you not satisfied with it please include the original packaging and return form & tracking number otherwise the return may take longer to process the refund. Once we have received the item and inspected it we will issue the refund or resend within 1-7 business days. br/ /div /div div id="test-tab_4" class="test-tab" div class="content" Please contact us in time if any enquriy under any circumstances. We greatly appreciate your positive feedback and we'll do the same to you. 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Price: 99.74 USD

Location: Walnut, California

End Time: 2024-12-16T13:00:13.000Z

Shipping Cost: 0 USD

Product Images

Height Adjustable Study Desk with Chair Set Student Desk and Chair Kit PinkHeight Adjustable Study Desk with Chair Set Student Desk and Chair Kit PinkHeight Adjustable Study Desk with Chair Set Student Desk and Chair Kit PinkHeight Adjustable Study Desk with Chair Set Student Desk and Chair Kit PinkHeight Adjustable Study Desk with Chair Set Student Desk and Chair Kit PinkHeight Adjustable Study Desk with Chair Set Student Desk and Chair Kit PinkHeight Adjustable Study Desk with Chair Set Student Desk and Chair Kit PinkHeight Adjustable Study Desk with Chair Set Student Desk and Chair Kit PinkHeight Adjustable Study Desk with Chair Set Student Desk and Chair Kit Pink

Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: No

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money Back

Brand: unbranded

Color: Pink

Type: Desk Chair Set

Item Height: 41.37"

Item Length: 28.57"

Item Width: 19.11"

Material: Metal, Plate

Department: Kids

MPN: Does Not Apply


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