Description: FSI EUROPEAN LANGUAGE PACK THE ULTIMATE EUROPEAN LANGUAGE LEARNING PACK DISK. COURSES ORIGINALLY DEVELOPED BY THE FOREIGN SERVICE INSTITUTE AND THE DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE. INCLUDES 7 EUROPEAN LANGUAGE LEARNING PROGRAMS ALL WITH MP3 AUDIO AND PDF TEXT FILES ALL ON 1 DVD-ROM DISK. FRENCH, GERMAN, HUNGARIAN, ITALIAN, PORTUGUESE, SPANISH & SWEDISH INCLUDED. THE FOREIGN SERVICE INSTITUTE LANGUAGE COURSES ARE GENERALLY CONSIDERED SOME OF THE BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE LEARNING COURSES EVER MADE. THEY WERE GENERALLY DESIGNED FOR THE DIPLOMAT, SERVICEMAN AND OTHER FOREIGN SERVICE WORKERS TO QUICKLY AND EASILY LEARN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE AND HAVE THE LANGUAGE SKILLS NECESSARY TO OPERATE AND SUCCEED IN THE COUNTRIES THEY WERE WORKING, LIVING OR STATIONED IN. HERE IS WHAT IS INCLUDED FRENCH FSI COURSE THIS IS THE FSI STANDARD FRENCH COMPLETE COURSE: THIS COURSE INCLUDES VOLUMES 1 AND 2 OF THE BASIC SET (REVISED) ALL WITH STUDENT PDF TEXT MANUALS . THERE ARE OVER 150 LESSONS IN ALL WITH WELL OVER 50 HOURS OF MP3 AUDIO INSTRUCTION THAT GOES ALONG WITH THE STUDENT PDF TEXT MANUALS . ABOUT THE COURSE . French Basic Course (Revised) has been designed to help students reach a level of proficiency which will enable them to participate effectively in most formal and informal conversations. The dialogues, drills, situations and narrations have been tape-recorded unless otherwise indicated in the text. For beginning students) the twenty-four units are designed for a six-month intensive training program of six hours of class per day, plus outside preparation. Each unit presents a situational topic introduced in a dialogue, and usually five grammar points. Each grammar point is preceded by grammar notes which generally are expressed in non-technical terms. Other units include materials of the following kinds. 1. A dialogue to provide a body of natural French conversation as a source for subsequent drills and exercises. (At FSI these dialogues are commonly memorized.) 2. Useful words to supplement the vocabulary with a limited number of additional words, usually related to the topic of the dialogue. 3. Vocabulary awareness to enable the student to better identify the elements of the utterances he learned as a whole and to regroup and review vocabulary. L. Drills of six different kinds, each type designed for a specific purpose. a. Lexical drills to manipulate already acquired vocabulary and improve fluency. b. Learning drills to introduce new grammar points (with reference to the corresponding grammar notes). c. Practice drills to give the student an opportunity to illustrate in sentences the grammar point he just covered. d. Question drills to prepare the student for normal conversation. e. Answer / f. Review drills (Drills preceded by an (*) have been included for optional use with fast-moving students.) 5. Situations to improve comprehension and serve as a basis for questions and elementary conversation. 6. Narrations to provide reading material and introduce a very limited number of vocabulary items. 7. Written exercises to offer to the student opportunity to relate the spoken language to the writing system. WELL OVER 1000 INSTRUCTIONAL PAGES GERMAN FSI COURSE THIS IS THE FSI STANDARD GERMAN COMPLETE COURSE: THIS COURSE INCLUDES VOLUMES 1 AND 2 OF THE BASIC SET ALL WITH STUDENT PDF TEXT MANUALS . THERE ARE 85 LESSONS IN ALL WITH MP3 AUDIO INSTRUCTION THAT GOES ALONG WITH THE STUDENT PDF TEXT MANUALS . OVER 34 HOURS OF AUDIO INSTRUCTION! Introduction AIM It is the aim of the course to provide the student with a useful control of the structure of the spoken language and of a basic vocabulary which meets at least some of the specialized needs of the Foreign Service. After completion of the basic course the Foreign Service Officer should be able to make limited practical use of the language in his official duties and social obligations. He will furthermore have the means, given the proper surroundings and personal motivation, for continued rapid and efficient development of proficiency. MATERIALS The materials in this first volume of the text are organized into twelve lessons or units. Each unit contains a set of basic sentences for memorization. These are in the form of a dialog based on one or sometimes two specific situations in which a person might find himself in Germany. Notes to the basic sentences are provided as necessary to clarify occasional difficulties in vocabulary and idiom and to provide additional background on some cultural features unfamiliar to Americans. Notes on pronunciation are included in each of the first eight units. Phonological features which have been found to be particularly difficult for American students are here presented with explanations and pronunciation practice drills. The notes on grammar in each unit single out those structural features illustrated in the basic sentences which are appropriate for systematic consideration at that stage in the course. Substitution drills provide for the manipulation of forms by substituting specific items in fixed sentence frames. They are intended to build habits of association, so that in a given syntactic environment the appropriate grammatical form automatically comes to mind. As the German vocabulary is all familiar, no English equivalents are given in these drills. Variation drills provide for the manipulation of larger syntactic patterns. In each group a model sentence, underscored, serves as a guide. Associated with it are additional sentences incorporating the same syntactic pattern but in which most of the individual word items have been replaced. English equivalents are given to serve as cues for recall of the German variant sentences. Vocabulary drills provide both practice in the use of new vocabulary items and also allow for manipulation of sentence elements whose particular form and arrangement depends upon their association with that vocabulary item. The manipulation of both variation and vocabulary drills depends on the use of English equivalents. Specific translation drills are also provided, however. In most cases they present the material of the basic dialog in the form of a narrative. They thus provide content review of the basic sentences and practice in the transformation from active dialog to descriptive narration. The response drills are question and answer drills on the situations of the basic dialogs. Conversation practice and additional situations in outline bridge the gap to free conversation with small pieces of supplementary dialog for acting out and situations providing for a freer play of the student's imagination. The finder list in each unit notes all new vocabulary which has been presented. METHOD AND PROCEDURE This is a course in Spoken German; the forms and patterns of the language are intentionally colloquial. The emphasis in instruction is everywhere on speech, and an indispensable component of the learning process is the voice of a tutor, or instructor, whose native language is German. On no account should the student attempt to use these materials without either a native instructor or recordings of a native instructor's voice. The method of instruction incorporates guided imitation, repetition, memorization, pattern practice, and conversation. WELL OVER 700 INSTRUCTIONAL PAGES ITALIAN DLI HEADSTART COURSE THIS IS THE DLI ITALIAN HEADSTART LANGUAGE COURSE. THIS COURSE INCLUDES THE MODULES 1 THRU 5 STUDENT PDF TEXT MANUALS + GLOSSARY IN PDF FORMAT AND ASSOCIATED MP3 audio files . THERE ARE 20+ UNIT LEARNING SECTIONS AND SUB-PARTS IN ALL, WITH MP3 AUDIO INSTRUCTION THAT GOES ALONG WITH THE STUDENT PDF TEXT MANUALS . OVER 13 HOURS OF AUDIO INSTRUCTION. STUDENT GUIDE INTRODUCTION You are about to begin a course designed to enable you to communicate in situations which you are likely to encounter in Italy. The emphasis of the course is on speaking and understanding Italian, and you will be working extensively with MP3 Audio. You will also learn to read traffic signs and signs found in public buildings. Individual learning styles vary, and we have built a certain amount of flexibility into the materials to accommodate these variations. The recommendations that we make here have been successful for most students. If you have approaches that work better for you, by all means, use them. 1. We discourage you from trying to read the Italian without listening to the tape. If you attempt to read first and then listen to the tape, you will quickly discover that in many cases what you hear doesn't sound anything like what you see, and you will have wasted valuable time. OVER 600 INSTRUCTIONAL PAGES HUNGARIAN FSI COURSE THIS IS THE FSI HUNGARIAN BASIC COURSE VOLUME 1 AND VOLUME 2: THIS COURSE INCLUDES BASIC SET WITH STUDENT PDF TEXT MANUALS . THERE ARE 24 LESSONS IN ALL WITH MP3 AUDIO INSTRUCTION THAT GOES ALONG WITH THE STUDENT PDF TEXT MANUALS . These volumes comprise an introduction to the Hungarian language. While emphasis has been placed on giving the student spoken command of the language, both the vocabulary and the structure necessary for immediate use of written materials are included. The general plan of the course follows the tradition of the Spoken Language Series prepared under the auspices of the American Council of Learned Societies during World War II, but it also takes advantage of more recent pedagogic theory. The drills, in particular, are designed along the lines of present-day texts. PURPOSE The FSI Hungarian Basic Course has been written with the aim of providing the student with a firm control of the basic structure of the spoken language and a vocabulary adequate for him to make limited practical use of both the spoken and written language in his travels, work and social obligations. In addition,' the course should provide the learner a sound background for further development of fluency and proficiency in Hungarian. OVER 500 INSTRUCTIONAL PAGES PORTUGUESE FSI COURSE THIS IS THE FSI PORTUGUESE BASIC COURSE VOLUME 1 AND VOLUME 2: THIS COURSE INCLUDES BASIC SET VOLUMES 1 AND 2 WITH STUDENT PDF TEXT MANUALS . THERE ARE 48 LESSONS IN ALL WITH MP3 AUDIO INSTRUCTION THAT GOES ALONG WITH THE STUDENT PDF TEXT MANUALS . Portuguese Programmatic Course was prepared by Jack Lee Ulsh, supervisor of Portuguese instruction at the Foreign Service Institute. This first volume contains 25 units of work. Volume 2 contains an additional 23 units and completes the course. The Portuguese presented in both volumes is educated speech drawn principally from Brazilian sources but intended to serve the needs of students going to Europe or Africa. The guidance of an instructor will be helpful in making such adaptations as are appropriate for continental or African Portuguese as well as for regional variations within Brazil. The first edition of Volume I appeared in 1974. In this, the revised edition, units 1 - 7 have been rewritten with an entirely different format and units 8 - 10 have undergone major changes. Units 11 - 25 have been left essentially as they were, receiving only minor modifications and corrections. This volume contains twenty-five units of work. Units one through twenty-four contain new material. Unit twenty-five is a review. A portion of the materials is presented through programming. Indeed, the word programmatic in the title means just that: partially programmed. In the typical programmed format, information is given to you by means of a carefully designed sequence of numbered 'frames.' What is a 'frame?' A frame is simply a step in a learning sequence, and it bears a number for identification. OVER 700 INSTRUCTIONAL PAGES SPANISH FSI COURSE THIS IS THE FSI SPANISH PROGRAMMATIC COURSE VOLUME 1 AND VOLUME 2: THIS COURSE INCLUDES PROGRAMMATIC SET VOLUMES 1 AND 2 WITH STUDENT PDF TEXT MANUALS . THERE ARE 45 LESSONS IN ALL WITH MP3 AUDIO INSTRUCTION THAT GOES ALONG WITH THE STUDENT PDF TEXT MANUALS . The FSI Spanish Programmatic Course, Volume 1 and Volume 2, comprising this textbook and accompanying tape recordings together with an Instructor's Manual, provides introductory learning materials for use by speakers of English who want to acquire a style of Spanish which is neither very formal nor overly casual. The term programmatic has been adopted to denote a course which uses some techniques of programmed instruction and is adaptable to classroom use, to self-instruction or to combinations of the two. Part of each unit is in programmed form; other parts follow a more conventional audio-lingual format. In all parts, the guiding principles have been simplicity and clarity of presentation, characteristics which are required of materials to be used in self-instruction, although the materials have been written with the teacher-classroom situation also in mind. This text is accompanied by an Instructor's Manual which contains the script of all the recorded portions. Since many of the recorded exercises do not appear in printed form in this, the student's book, the Instructor's Manual serves as a handy, quick reference and guide for the teacher. Students who are using this text for self-instruction will find the manual a useful aid in checking the accuracy of their own performance. FSI Spanish Programmatic Course is designed primarily for the student who has access to a tape player for study purposes. If one is not available, these materials should be used in the same manner as are more conventional materials. After pre-publication trials with over 200 students, FSI is convinced that the rate of progress is greater and the quality of performance higher if the student has an opportunity to study new material before reporting to class through the use of facilities that allow him to listen to the recorded portions of the lessons. The authors like to believe that greater progress and higher quality performance are inherent in some small way in the materials themselves; however the general improvement in achievement is probably attributable more to technique than to anything else. For example, a student who prepares an assignment by himself, with his own tape player, will normally be participating with the language at the enormous rate of 400 to 600 participations per hour. If the same material were being learned in a class shared with only three other students, his participation rate would be reduced accordingly: to 100 to 150 per hour. OVER 450 INSTRUCTIONAL PAGES SWEDISH FSI COURSE THIS IS THE FSI SWEDISH BASIC COURSE: THIS COURSE INCLUDES THE BASIC SET STUDENT PDF TEXT MANUALS . THERE ARE 16 UNIT LESSONS IN ALL WITH MP3 AUDIO INSTRUCTION THAT GOES ALONG WITH THE STUDENT PDF TEXT MANUALS . To the Student Welcome to the world of Sweden, Swedes, and Swedish! You have obtained this book as a way to help you learn the Swedish language, and to help you prepare for life and work in Sweden. We hope that both these experiences will be enjoyable for you, but before you begin we would like you to know some facts about language study in general, and this book in particular. The new FSI Swedish Basic Course has been written especially for the future G.S. diplomat in Sweden. It is meant to serve as a textbook as well as a source of cultural information and it is accompanied by a complete set of MP3 Audio. We all know that the ability to speak a foreign language and to live in a new culture is not learned through books and MP3 Audio alone. These are only aids in a learning process which begins in the classroom, where the instructor is the primary source of information and your main conversation partner, and which later expands to the whole country of Sweden, where a nation becomes your teacher. However, the book has taken into account the student who may not have a teacher available. It was designed in such a way that, together with extensive use of the MP3 Audio, it may be used profitably by the self-study student. A self-study course, however, cannot provide sufficient opportunities to practice speaking and understanding Swedish. The primary goal of language learning is to communicate with the native speakers in a natural and productive way. A secondary goal is to learn to read and translate Swedish, since this is an important skill you will need in your work. The first twelve Units consist of dialogs which cover a range of situations relevant to your life and work in Sweden. The last few Units are written in a narrative form and constitute a transition to further reading. Each Unit includes "Notes on Basic Sentences," which clarify certain grammar points, cultural Information and idiomatic expressions that we think are particularly im portant. Following "Notes on Basic Sentences" is a section called "Points to Practice." This section deals with the grammar, which is first explained as clearly and simply as possible, and then put to use in Practices. Here you can cover up the correct responses with a piece of heavy paper or cardboard and then slide the paper down the page to confirm the correctness of your response or correct any error you may have made. Be sure you do the Practices aloud. Grammatical explanation should be thought of only as a tool when learning a foreign language. But it is the key to understanding a structure and a system which might otherwise seem confusing. Even though Swedish grammar and vocabulary are related to their English counterparts, a word-by-word translation from either language into the other does not necessarily produce good sense. Because of important differences in ways we have of expressing the same thoughts, speakers of English and Swedish see each other as using different patterns of language. It is therefore invaluable to learn Swedish patterns to the point where they become a real part of your speech, so that the difference between English and Swedish becomes natural to you. Over many years of teaching Swedish to English speaking students the teachers at PSI have noted consistent patterns of difficulty that an English speaker has in learning Swedish. We have tried to draw on this experience in explaining the grammar and in pointing out the pitfalls. Our happy Vikings are used to draw attention to some of the grammar points, and to make the task of learning Swedish grammar a little less serious. A dragon appears in places where we discuss something that may be unusually tricky. How to Use the MP3 Audio The MP3 Audio provide the correct pronunciation of the dialogs, narrative texts and grammar practices. On the MP3 Audio each Unit begins with the dialog "For Listening Only" to give you the chance to understand as much as possible unaided. Remember that it is just as important to understand what is being said as to produce your own sentences. Following "For Listening Only" there is a section called "For Learning." It contains the same dialog, but this time each new word is given with a pause, during which you are to repeat the word before the correct pronunciation is confirmed. The same pattern is then used for longer utterances. Try to mimic the native speakers as closely as possible, paying close attention to stress and intonation. When an utterance is very long it will be divided into two or more sentences, and then given in its entirety. . OVER 700 INSTRUCTIONAL PAGES ALL COURSE MATERIALS ARE VERY EASY TO FOLLOW AND UNDERSTAND. JUST OPEN YOUR PDF STUDENT TEXT FILE AND START THE MP3 AUDIO FILE FOR LESSON 1. FOLLOW ALONG WITH YOUR MANUAL AND IN NO TIME YOU WILL BE ON YOUR WAY TO LEARNING A NEW LANGUAGE. AS A SPECIAL BONUS WE ARE ALSO GIVING AWAY FREE 8 DIFFERENT LANGUAGE PHRASE E-BOOKS WITH EVERY PURCHASE. THESE INCLUDE DUTCH, FRENCH GERMAN, ITALIAN, JAPANESE, ROMANIAN, SPANISH AND SWEDISH. IF you have been looking for an easy to read and understand guides that will give you some short, but effective foreign phrases you can use when traveling, this is your solution! But, it's not just for when you're planning a trip to a one of these regions though because... EVEN IF YOU JUST WANT TO LEARN SOME CONVERSATIONAL FOREIGN PHRASES TO COMMUNICATE WITH FRIENDS OR CO-WORKERS THESE GUIDES WILL HELP YOU! THESE GUIDES NORMALLY SELL FOR $.99 AND UP, BUT WE ARE GIVING THEM TO YOU FREE WITH EVERY LANGUAGE COURSE PURCHASE! THAT'S AT LEAST AN $8.00 VALUE! Windows System Requirements: * Intel Pentium Processor * Windows 98SE/Me/2000/XP/VISTA * 32MB RAM * DVD-DRIVE MAC System Requirements: * MAC OS X v.10.2.8 or above * 32MB RAM * DVD-DRIVE DISK or DISKS COME NO FRILLS. THEY'RE JUST A SET OF PLAIN DISK OR DISKS IN A PAPER SLEEVE WITH ULTIMATE QUALITY CONTENT. THEY WILL PLAY ON A COMPUTER WITH THE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS AS STATED ABOVE. NO PHYSICAL TEXT MANUALS ARE BEING OFFERED OR SENT. ALL TEXT MATERIALS ARE IN PDF (PORTABLE DOCUMENT FORMAT) FORMAT. ALL MATERIALS ARE INCLUDED ON THE DISK. NO DOWNLOADS ARE NECESSARY. THE FREE ADOBE READER OR EQUIVALENT IS REQUIRED TO READ OR PRINT MATERIALS. MOST COMPUTERS ALREADY HAVE INSTALLED BUT IF YOU DO NOT HAVE YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE FROM THE ADOBE WEBSITE. BUY USA - WE ONLY SELL AND SHIP USA!!! BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM A GENUINE USA SELLER! WE SHIP FIRST CLASS USPS Go Green! 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All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted
Format: DVD
Subject: Language Study
Product Type: MP3 AUDIO PDF TEXT
Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
Educational Level: High School
Language: English
Country of Manufacture: United States
Publication Name: European Languages Courses
Author: FSI
Type: Study Guide