Description: Yes we combine shipping for multiple purchases.Add multiple items to your cart and the combined shipping total will automatically be calculated. 1944 November Motorcyclist Motorcycle Magazine Indian WWII Servicemen Dealer Guide This spectacular spill oc-curred at one of the laterBuckeye Motorcycle Clubhillclimbs. Picture showsPaul Zalac of HighlandPark, Michigan, in a rarepose. Paul was unhurt buta little shaken.CONTENTSReport to Our Readers.................By Howard B. Rose, Guest EditorA Motorcyclist Goes to Sea.............By George SwiftGreetings to Our Pals..................Compiled by Louise SherbynTrophy Offered in Motor MaidsMembership Contest...............By Dot RobinsonThirty Years Ago......................By VanStalling Around with Steele.............Club Doings..........................Questions & Answers..................By Shop ForemanHere's What They Say..................DEALER GUIDESpace in this section S10.00 per year for three line notice. Each additional line S3.00 per year.ARIZONAPHOENIX—Bill Kennedy's Harley-Davidson SalesCo., 1234 East Washington Boulevard.PHOENIX—INDIAN Motorcycle Sales & Service.Complete line genuine INDIAN parts. Acces-sories, oil, and service for all makes. Ah ridersWelcomed. Located on Highways 60-70-80-89.1517 East Van Buren St. Floyd C. New, Prop.ARKANSASNORTH LITTLE ROCK—Complete line ol partsfor Indian Motorcycles. Accessories, oil andcompetent service lor all makes. We'll treatyou fairly. All riders welcomed. Van PeltMotorcycle Service, 1501 E. Washington St.CALIFORNIAFRESNO—Indian Sales & Service. Well equippedshop for your needs. Good supply of parts.Drop in and let's get acquainted. Indian MotorSales <5 Service, 450 N. H St. Ed. Sumner, Prop.HOLLYWOOD—Morty Graves — D.B.A. — GaynorMotors. Specializing in English Motors, alsolatest in used H-D and Indians, and Scooters,Complete line of Parts and Accessories. Expertmechanics. 5950 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Calil.Phone. Hillside 5332.LOS ANGELES—Official Indian Sales & Servicefor Los Angeles and Hollywood areas. GenuineIndian parts and accessories. Riders of allmakes welcome. Cooper Motors, Inc., 1101 S.S. Hope Si. Richmond 2131.LOS ANGELES—Johnson Motors, Inc., Distribu-tors for Ariel, Triumph, James, Excelsior motor-cycles and parts, Villiers engines and parts,Lucas electrical equipment, Amal carburetorsand parts, Coventry chain, Avon tires, Albiongear boxes, Hepolite pistons. Inquiries prompt-ly answered. 1240 West Pico Blvd., Los Angeles15, California. PRospect 3291.LOS ANGELES—Glenn I. Wagner MotorcycleSales. Motrocycles financed for private parties.Complete line parts and accessories. 1212 EastFlorence Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif.NAPA & VALLEJO—Nelson Bettencourt—Harley-Davidson Sales <5 Service, 1021 Coombs St.,Napa; 317 Marin St., Vallejo.OAKLAND — Claude Salmon, Harley-DavidsonSales in Oakland. 3039 Myrtle St., at 31st and SanPablo.PASADENA—Motorcycle, Motor Scooter and Auto-mobile sales financed for dealers and individ-uals. CalLwrite or come see us. Walt KiddFinance Co., Phone SYcamore 2-4821, 570 NorthLake Ave., Pasadena 4.RICHMOND—Motorcycle Tradin' Post. The placeto trade motorcycles. Cash for yours, anycondition in five minutes. We buy, sell, swap,trade or what have you. Pacific Coast Distribu-tors for B. S. A. Cycles, Ltd., largest and oldestEnglish Manufacturers. 401 23rd St.RIVERSIDE—Skip Fordyce Har-Dav Sales, 369814th St. The most beautiful motorcycle shop inAmerica. "Where main street leads to thefront door.'' Enjoy shopping in the Nation'smost complete accessory department. Tenshow cases jammed full. If others don't haveit, try us. FREE POOL and GAME ROOMS.We don't care what brand of "horsepower"you ride. Write your criticisms in our guestbook. We want to improve and intend to, soplease help us. Closed Thursdays but open allother days including Sunday for the benefit ofdefense workers.SAN DIEGO—W. J. RUHLE. Harley-DavidsonSales and Service. Every convenience for therider. 929 India Street.SAN DIEGO—Guy Urquhart, Indian Sales & com-plete service on all makes of motorcycles. Oneof the largest parts and accessory stocks in theUnited States. Immediate service on mail or-ders. All riders welcome. 1041 Columbia St.SAN FRANCISCO — Dudley Perkins, Harley-Davidson Sales headquarters, 655 Ellis Street.SAN FRANCISCO—Hap Jones, Indian Sales Service. Where riders of all makes are givenequal hospitality and service. 235 Valencia St.SAN JOSE—Tom Sifton—Harley-Davidson Sales &Service. A full line of new and used models.A complete stock of parts. 580 South First Street,San Jose.SANTA ANA—Carriker cycle Sales 5 Service. Most complete cycleplant in Southern California. 2806 N. Main.?>hone 6476.COLORADODENVER—Indian Motorcycle Sales & Service. Themost complete stock of Indian parts in the coun-try. Everything for the motorcyclist. All tour-ists welcome. Mike Tagaris, Prop. 1812-14 Ara-pahoe Street. Phone Tabor 9283.DISTRICT OF COLUMBIAWASHINGTON—Indian Motorcycle Sales ice. Genuine factory parts and accessories.All riders welcome. John Hostetter, 911-9th St.Northwest.GEORGIAATLANTA—Indian Motorcycle Sales. Inc. Largestand best equipped shop in the South. Largestock used motors and motor bikes, parts andaccessories. Motorcyclists always welcome atTed Edwards Place, 624 Spring St., N. W.IDAHOBOISE — Don A. Gamble's Harley-DavidsonAgency, on Highway No. 30, 1604 Front St.,-Boise, Idaho.IDAHO FALLS—Blasius Brothers, Inc., Harley-Davidson Sales <5 Service. Most complete stockof parts and accessories in this region. Tour-ists, genuine H-D oil. Fully equipt repair shop.Prompt service.ILLINOISOTTAWA—C. Conde's Indian Motorcycle Salesand Service. 115 West Glover St., Ottawa, Ill,Phone 115. Authorized Indian Dealer.INDIANAINDIANAPOLIS—Harley-Davidson Sales & Service—Package Trucks—Servi-Cars. Complete stockof parts. Information for the tourist. John Mor-gan, Prop. 701 South Meridian St.—PhoneRilley 7012.KENDALLVILLE—Preston Motors, Inc. GenuineIndian parts and acc'ys, all models. Facilitiesfor all repairs. All riders welcome. Service 6.Repairs for ail makes.KENTUCKYLOUISVILLE—Cunningham Motorcycle Company,Harley-Davidson Distributors. A complete stockof Harley-Davidson Parts, Accessories and H-DOil. 1818 West Broadway. SHawnee 8266.MAINESANFORD—Indian Sales sories, tires and Indian Oil. Tourist information.J. H. Goodrich, School Street.MASSACHUSETTSSPRINGFIELD—"Western Massachusetts Motor-cycle Trading Center." Motorcycles, accessor-ies, parts, authorized Indian service. IndianSilver Arrow outboard motor parts. Riders ofall makes of motorcycles welcomed. IndianMotorcycle Sales 6 Service, 354 Columbus Ave.,on Route 5, south end of city.MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATESMIDDLE ATLANTICMOTORCYCLE DEALERS ASS'N., INC."Sponsors of Langhorn 100-Mile Race''Sec'y H. E. Fritz, 221 N. 9th St., Reading, Pa.When in any of the following towns, you arewarmly invited to visit our members.BALTIMORE—Distributor Indian motorcycles, Co-lumbia bicycles, Oilzum oil, acc'ys. James H.Dayoff, 232 S. Broadway. Phone Bro. 7440. Md.BETHLEHEM—"Pop” Wolfe, Dean of Indian motor-cycle service. Parts, acc'ys., stock. 5 mi. N.W. Bethlehem. R. No. 2 Northampton, Pa.BRIDGETON—H-D Sales & Service. Parts, acc'ys.Genuine H-D oil. Service all makes motors.Chann Bros., 35 S. Pearl St., New Jersey.CAMDEN—Har.-Dav. motorcycles. Distributor forBurlington, Gloster, Camden counties. FrankDeViney, 1124-26 Kaighn Avenue, New Jersey.EASTON—Indian Sales & Service. Complete lineparts and acc'ys. Indian oil, tires, batteries.Easton Cycle Co., Levine, 621 Walnut St., Pa.HARRISBURG—H-D Service. 25 years a dealer.Largest riding togs dept, in Pa. Milan <5 KayFitch, 1408 N. 3rd Street, Pa.LANCASTER—Indian Sales <5 Ser. Complete lineparts. See us for repair jobs. Batteries, tires,etc. Manning Motors, RD No. 1, Millersville, Pa.METUCHEN — Modern Motorcycle Mart. IndianSales and Ser. All riders welcome. See DickPeters and Chas. Maier. Box 571, N. J.PERTH AMBOY—Indian Sales & Service. Parts,acc'ys. We can keep your motor perking. Col-vaito Bros., 346 Washington St., N. J.PHILADELPHIA—Geo. E. Taylor, 511 Tennis Ave.Glenside, Pa., English motorcycles. After warwill have complete lines machines and parts.PHILADELPHIA—Indian Sales Cz. We have theparts you need. Mail orders. Finest tools &equipt. Lincoln Hiway, 1635 Huntington Park Ave.PHILADELPHIA — Harley-Davidson Distributors.Sales and service. Prompt service to tourists.Harley-Davidson Co., 857 N. Broad. Fro. 3885.POTTSTOWN—Indian Sales <5 Service. Very goodline parts. Drop in and get acquainted. FrankKiss & Co., 18 High St., Pa. Dial 833.QUAKERTOWN—Indian Sales <5> Service. Parts,oil, tires <5 accy's. Service on all makes ofmotorcycles. Ward Straum, 14 Main St., Pa.READING— Fritz kept Indians running thru WorldWar I and is doing it thru World War II."See Fritz s Indians, 236 N 9th St., Pa. Dial 28233.READING-—VisitCharles "Red” Wolverton.Everything you need for Harley-Davidsons. Bestservice during hostilities. 125 North Front St., Pa.SALEM—See "Zip” Bauer for complete line newbicycles and parts. Indian Sales Bauer, 399 E. Broadway, Phone 559, N. J.TRENTON—C.A.P. now post-war Indian. Trentonheadquarters for Motor Maids. Jas. Darling,1652 Princeton Ave., N. J.WAYNE—Indian Sales <5. Ser. Can supply mosteverything for motorcycles. Now and usedmotors. Ernest DeSimone, Lincoln Highway, Pa.WEST CHESTER—Full line Indian acc'ys andparts. Latest factory equipment for repairwork. Clem Murdaugh, 142 W. Market, Pa.WILMINGTON—Indian Sales <5. Service. Bicycles.~g. for ,ho motorcycle. Call Wilm.^345. Delmer T. Van Sice. 1908 Market St., Del.MISSOURIKANSAS CITY—Indian Motorcycle Sales—Largeststock of Indian parts in the Middle West. Newand used machines—Accessories. 2701 E. 15thSt. Established 1904.K^SAS GITY—Genuine Harley-Davidson parts,we specialize on mail orders. Can supply mosteverything for any motorcycle. Send for Cyclemon' Whitman Motorcycle and Supply Co..405-9 Southwest Blvd.NEBRASKALINCOLN Vernon Goodwin, Indian Motorcycleba 5°7ico- Where riders of all makesare WELCOME and treated alike. On RockIsland Depot Drive.ELIZABETH—AdamecHarley-Davidson mories. Genuine HPhone Elizabeth 2-NEW JERSEYCycle Sales. Dealers forotorcycles, parts and access--D oil. 261 No. Broad St7248.NEWARK—Welcome, Newark Visitors. Carl W.Bush Co., 518 Broad St., Newark, N. J. Harley-Davidson motorcycles, parts and repairs. Phone:Market 2-0841.NEWARK—Largest stock of new and used motor-cycles in the Metropolitan area. All tourists in-vited. Open every evening. Bob Sarkegian, In-dian Motorcycle Distributor, 356 Broadway,Newark, N. J. Phone Humboldt 2-2630.NEW YORKMANHATTAN—Visit the hub of Metropolitan M/Cactivities. A hearty welcome to all cyclists.Complete stock INDIANS and others. Motor-cycles Incorporated, 118-120 East 129 St. Be-tween Park and Lexington Aves. Phone Lehigh4-3731.UTICA—John Ciccarelli, Indian Sales 6 Service."Where Riders of All Makes are Given EqualHospitality and Service.' 41 Genesee Street.OKLAHOMAENID—"Where the Cherokee Strip still Spells IN-DIAN. Everything for the motorcycle and rider.Indian Motorcycle Sales by, Prop.OKLAHOMA CITY—Complete line of parts, oiland accessories for INDIAN motorcycles. Over25 years experience sales and service. All riderswelcomed. Harry's Indian Sales, 27 N. DeweySt.OHIOCINCINNATI—Harley-Davidson Sales <5 Service—Motorcycles and package trucks. Completestock of parts. Stop in and see us. Ray Kon-kier. Proprietor. 1924 Central Parkway—PhoneCHerry 3202.CINCINNATI—May we help you to "Keep 'emRolling”? We specialize in expert service pairing, also cylinder grinding and honing.Complete stock of genuine Indian parts and ac-cessories. Mail orders promptly filled. IndianMotor Sales Co., 30 W. 12th St., PArkway 5966.Ray Hummel, Prop.OREGONEUGENE—Westside Motorcycle Shop. Indian Sales& Service. Largest stock of cycles and partsin Lane County. 16 years in the same place.C. R. Saville, Mgr., 1809 West 6th Ave., onHighway No. 99. Phone 3153 W.PORTLAND—Ray E. Garner, Indian Motorcyclesales & service. All riders welcome. Completestock of parts and accessories. 935 S. E. Haw-thorne. East 6444.PENNSYLVANIAEASTON—You will get Hrst class service, GENU-UINE INDIAN parts, accessories, oil, tires andbatteries, good used motorcycles and a WarmWelcome at Easton Cycle & Sports, 621 WalnutSt. Authorized INDIAN Sales and Service.Herman Levine, Dealer, Phone Easton 2-0101.READING—Visit Charles "Red" Wolverton onyour way to Reading's GREAT new airport. Al-most anything you need for your Harley-David-son and with the best possible service duringhostilities. 125 N. Front St.TEXASDALLAS—Indian Sales Company. 2723 Main Street."Wildest Traders in Texas."EL PASO—Indian Sales Co., 205 West San An-tonio St., El Paso, Texas. Full line parts, ac-cessories. oil and reliable service. On Highway80. "Year 'round scenic route from Coast toCoast.” Walter Lupton, Dealer.HOUSTON—Indian Motorcycle Sales, 1422 Frank-lin Avenue. Complete line of parts, accessories,oil. Located on Highway 90. "Hearty We comto All."SAN ANTONIO—Pierce Bros. Indian Salos. 107-09 W. Martin Street. San Antonio. Texas. Goo aService, Genuine Parts and a Real Texascome."WICHITA FALLS - One-Stop Harley-DavidsonService. Good stock motorcycles, parts, accesories. tires, oil. etc. Wichita Cyclo Co.. Oppsite Union Ry. station, P. O. Rox $Myers, Manager.WASHINGTONTACOMA — CLARENCE POTTER CO. HarleyDavidson Motorcycles. Complete stock ?‘,p dand accessories. Tourist information.Fawcett. And much more! 16850
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Publication Month: November
Publication Year: 1944
Publication Frequency: Monthly
Language: English
Publication Name: Motorcyclist
Contributors: Arthur E. Welch
Features: Illustrated
Publisher: Western Journal Company
Genre: Action & Adventure, Activity, Antiques & Collectibles, History, Men, News, Sports, Transport, Travel & Geography
Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
Topic: Motocross, Motorcycle