
1921 History & Genealogy of Orange County California CA

Description: What a wonderful look at life in 1800’s. This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Orange County and its people. This is a scanned copy on CD of the original book published in 1921. History of Orange County, California With Biographical Sketches of The Leading Men and Women of the County Who have been Identified with its Growth and Development from the Early Days to the Present HISTORY BY SAMUEL ARMOR ILLUSTRATED HISTORIC RECORD COMPANY LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 1921 1668 pages on 1 CD An essential resource for Genealogists Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect. This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I - Formation of Orange County, CHAPTER II - Roster of County and District Officers CHAPTER III - Orange County's Water Supply and Way Utilized CHAPTER IV - The City of Anaheim CHAPTER V - The City of Brea CHAPTER VI - The City of Fullerton CHAPTER VII - The City of Huntington Beach CHAPTER VIII - The City of Newport Beach CHAPTER IX - The City of Orange CHAPTER X - The City of Santa Ana CHAPTER XI - The City of Seal Beach CHAPTER XII - The City of Stanton CHAPTER XIII - Unincorporated Towns CHAPTER XIV - Orange County's Schools CHAPTER XV - Public Buildings and Sites CHAPTER XVI - Pleasure Drives and Resorts CHAPTER XVII - Orange County's Good Roads CHAPTER XVIII - The County's Traffic Facilities CHAPTER XIX - Sundry Voluntary Organizations CHAPTER XX - Orange County's Soldiers in World War CHAPTER XXI - Service Men's Recognition CHAPTER XXII - The County's Liberty Loans CHAPTER XXIII - Relief Work of Associations CHAPTER XXIV - A Chapter of Tragedies CHAPTER XXV - The Oil Industry CHAPTER XXVI - The Citrus Industry CHAPTER XXVII - The Beet Sugar Industry CHAPTER XXVIII - Orange County's Fruits, Grains and Vegetables CHAPTER XXIX - History of the Celery Industry in Orange County CHAPTER XXX - Orange County's Live Stock and Poultry CHAPTER XXXI - The Bee Industry CHAPTER XXXII - Semi-Tropic Fruits in Orange County CHAPTER XXXIII - The English Walnut Industry CHAPTER XXXIV - Farm Bureau Report CHAPTER XXXV - Population and Valuations CHAPTER XXXVI - Anecdotes and Incidents CHAPTER XXXVII - Soil, Climate and Water. BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX Abercherli, Abplanalp, Adams, Adams, Ahern, Ahlefeld, Ainsworth, Akers, Alberts, Alexander, Allen, Ailing, Alsbach, Amack, Amerige, Anderson, Andres, Arballo, Armor, Arroues, Atherton, Backs, Bacon, Bagnall, Baker, Ball, Bangs, Barker, Barrows, Barter, Bartley, Bastady, Bastanchury, Baumgartner, Baxter, Beach, Beard, Belt, Bemis, Benchley, Bennett, Bentjen, Bergey, Best, Bibber, Biner, Bird, Bishop, Blackford, Blanchar, Blaylock, Blodget, Blom, Bobst, Boon, Boosey, Borchard, Boring, Bowman, Bradford, Brady, Bricke, Bridge, Broadway, Brooks, Brown, Brunworth, Buchanan, Buchheim, Bula, Bundschuh, Burbank, Burke, Burnham, Bush, Bushard, Butler, Byram, Cady, Cailland, Cailor, Callan, Callens, Calleus, Campbell, Carden, Carhart, Carle, Carriker, Carrillo, Carver, Case, Cassou, Castillo, Chaffee, Chambers, Chapman, Chase, Cheney, Christensen, Christiansen, Christlieb, Clark, Clarke, Claudina, Clayton, Clement, Clinard, Clusson, Coate, Coburn, Cochems, Cock, Cocking, Cole, Collins, Collman, Colman, Congdon, Conkle, Conley, Cook, Coon, Cooper, Copeland, Corbit, Cordes, Cotant, Courreges, Cowles, Cox, Cozad, Craig, Cranston, Cravath, Crawford, Crookshank, Crose, Crosier, Crouch, Crowther, Cruiz, Crumrine, Culp, Culver, Cuprien, Daguerre, Dale, Damewood, Damon, Daneri, Daniels, Dargatz, Dart, Dauser, Davies, Davis, Dawes, Deamud, Decker, DeLapp, Denni, Dennis, Derksen, Des Granges, De Vaul, Devenney, Dickel, Dierker, Diers, Dietrich, Ditchey, Dittmer, Dixon, Dolan, Dolph, Domann, Dominguez, Donnelly, Dorn, Douglass, Doyle, Dozier, Drake, Draper, Dresser, Dross, Du Bois, Duckworth, Duggan, Duhart, Duker, Dungan, Dunlap, Dunstan, Dunton, Durkee, Durnbaugh, Dutton, Eaby, Eadington, Eberth, Eders, Eden, Edwards, Edwardson, Eells, Egan, Ehlen, Eismann, Elbinger, Elliott, Ellis, Eltiste, Enderle, English, Erramuspe, Erreca, Errecarte, Eseverri, Esmay, Espoit, Eummelen, Evans, Everett, Eygabroad, Eyraud, Faacks, Falkenstein, Faris, Farrar, Ferguson, Fewell, Field, Finch, Finley, Fischle, Fischer, Fisher, Fishering, Fitschen, Flesner, Flippen, Fluor, Foote, Forbes, Ford, Forster, Foss, Foster, Franklin, Frantz, Franzen, Frazer, Freeman, French, Frick, Fridd, Froehlich, Frye, Fuller, Fulton, Gage, Gaines, Gantz, Garber, Gardiner, Gardner, Gates, Gatjens, Genest, Gibbs, Gilchrist, Gisler, Glenn, Gless, Gobar, Goddicksen, Godwin, Goodrich, Goodwin, Gould, Gray, Greenleaf, Greger, Gregory, Gresswell, Griffith, Grinnell, Grote, Grussing, Gulick, Guntber, Guptill, Gustlin, Guthrie, Gutzman, Haan, Halderman, Haley, Halladay, Hammerschmidt, Hampton, Handy, Haniman, Hannum, Hansen, Hansler, Hare, Hargrave, Harkleroad, Harmon, Harms, Harris, Hartman, Harvey, Hatfield, Hathaway, Haven, Haver, Hawley, Hayward, Hayden, Hax, Hazard, Hazen, Head, Heaney, Heard, Heartwell, Hebard, Hedstrom, Heffern, Heim, Heinemann, Helms, Helmsen, Hemenway, Hemphill, Henderson, Hendrie, Heneks, Heninger, Henning, Henry, Hickey, Hickman, Hile, Hill, Hiltscher, Hinckley, Hiserodt, Hockemeyer, Hoeptner, Holditch, Holloway, Holtz, Hooker, Hossler, House, Houser, Howard, Huff, Hughes, Huhn, Hull, Huntington, Hutter, Irwin, Isaac, Jackson, Jacobsen, Jahraus, Jens, Jentges, Jernigan, Jerome, Jessee, Jessup, Jessurun, Jewell, Johnson, Jones, Joplin, Jorn, Julian, Jumper, Justice, Karloff, Kaufman, Kays, Kealiher, Kee, Keefe, Kellogg, Kelly, Kenyon, Kidd, King, Kinsler, Kirker, Kirsch, Kistler, Klaner, Klausing, Klentz, Kloth, Kluewer, Knapp, Knight, Knowlton, Knuth, Koch, Kogler, Kothe, Kozina, Kraemer, Krause, Krick, Kroeger, Labat, Lacabanne, Lacy, Lae, Lagourgue, Lamb, Lambert, La Mont, Lancaster, Landell, Lang, Lantz, Larter, Latourcette, Launders, Launer, Lautenbach, Lavin, Leander, Le Bard, Ledford, Lee, Lehmberg, Lehnhardt, Leichtfuss, Le Marquand, Lembeke, Lemke, Leonard, Lieffers, Lindley, Linebarger, Littell, Livenspire, Loescher, Long, Lorenz, Lotze, Lovering, Lowell, Luce, Luther, Lyon, McAulay, McCarter, McCarthy, McCarty, McConnell, McCord, McFadden, McGee, McGuire, McKeen, McKinky, Mclnncs, McMillan, McNeil, McPhee, McPlierson, McWilliams, Maag, Macdonald. Machander, Magill, Maier, Manning, Mansur, Marion, Maroon, Marquart, Marquez, Marsden, Marsom, Martel, Martin, Maryatt, Masters, Matthews, Maurer, Mayer, Mayfield, Mayhew, Medlock, Mefford, Meger, Meier, Meiser, Melcher, Melrose, Menges, Menton, Merrick, Metzgar, Meyer, Miles, Millen, Miller, Mills, Mitchell, Moherly, Modjeska, Moody, Moore, Morales, Morris, Morrison, Morrow, Mosbaugh, Moulton, Mueller, Myers, Nebelung, Nelson, Newland, Newsom, Nichols, Nicolas, Nimocks, Nisson, Noe, North, Northcross, Norton, Nowotny, Nusbaumer, Nutt, Nylen, Oborne, O'Connor, O'Donnell, Oelke, Oelkers, Oertly, Oertly, Olewiler, Oliveras, Olson, Ord, O'Rear, Ortega, Orton, Osborne, Osterman, Oswald, Otis, Overshiner, Oyharzabal, Padias, Page, Palmer, Pannier, Pappas, Parker, Partridge, Paterson, Patterson, Pattillo, Patton, Paulus, Pearson, Peek, Peelor, Peitzke, Penman, Peralta, Perkins, Perry, Peterkin, Peterson, Peiffer, Phillips, Pickering, Pierce, Pike, Pirie, Pister, Pixley, Planchon, Plavan, Pleasants, Plegel, Plinnmer, Polhemus, Poling, Pollard, Pollock, Pomeroy, Pope, Popplewell, Porter, Potter, Prescott, Pressel, Price, Prinslow, Pritchard, Probst, Proctor, Pryor, Pugh, Pulver, Purdy, Pyle, Queyrel, Quick, Raikes, Ralph, Ramsey, Ray, Read, Reagan, Reed, Reid, Reisch, Reusch, Router, Reyburn, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Richey, Richter, Riggle, Rimpau, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rochester, Rogers, Rohrs, Rolfe, Rorden, Rosenbaum, Ross, Rouse, Rousselle, Roy, Royer, Ruddock, Ruedy, Ruhmann, Runyan, Rurup, Rust, Rutherford, Rutschow, Ryan, Sackman, Sadler, Salter, Sanders, Sandilands, Sansinena, Sargent, Sauers, Saunby, Sawyer, Sayles, Schaffert, Schildmeyer, Schlueter, Schmidt, Schnitger, Schreiner, Schroeder, Schulte, Schultz, Schulz, Schumacher, Schweiger, Schweitzer, Scott, Segerstrom, Seidel, Serrano, Shaffer, Shanley, Sharratt, Shattuck, Shaw, Sheppard, Sheridan, Shields, Shook, Shrosbree, Sitton, Skidmore, Skiles, Slack, Smart, Smiley, Smith, Smithwick, Snow, Spangler, Sparkes, Speer, Spencer, Spennetta, Sprague, Spurgeon, Staley, Stanckey, Stanfield, Stankey, Stark, Stearns, Steele, Stein, Steward, Stewart, Stuwart, Stinson, Stock, Stockton, Stockwell, Stodart, Stoflel, Stohlmann, Stolt, Stoner, Stork, Stortz, Stradley, Strauss, Streech, Strock, Struck, Stuckenbruck, Sutton, Swartzbaugh, Swindler, Taft, Talbert, Talmage, Taylor, Teague, Tedford, Teel, Thelan, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thorman, Thurber, Thurston, Till, Timken, Timmons, Tingley, Todd, Toler, Toney, Tournat, Toussau, Towner, Townsend, Tralle, Trapp, Travis, Tremain, Treulieb, Treydte, Trickey, Triekey, Tubbs, Tucker,Tuffree, Turck, Turner, Tuthill, Utt, Ulrich, Utter, Utz, Vail, Valenti, Vanderburg, Vaughan, Velasco, Vincent, Violett, Volberding, Vollmer, Wagner, Wahlberg, Walker, Waller, Wallop, Walter, Walters, Walton, Ward, Wardlow, Wardwell, Ware, Warne, Warren, Wasser, Watson, Weaver, Wehrly, Weisel, Weitbrecht, Welch, Wells, Wendt, Wersel, Wessler, West, Weston, Wettlin, Whedon, Whippo, Whitacre, Whitaker, Whitney, Wickersheim, Wickett, Wilher, Wiley, Wilkins, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Wine, Winters, Witman, Witt, Wolff, Wood, Woodington, Woodworth, Wray, Wright, Yaeger, Yandeau, Yoch, Yorba, York, Yost, Yount, Yriarte, Zaiser, Ziegler,

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1921 History & Genealogy of Orange County California CA

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